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    Adults - Beginner

    Sunnyvale and SF Campus

    The Beginner program starts with the Greek language basics, such as learning the alphabet, vowel and consonant diphthongs, present and past tenses of the verbs “ego eimai” (I am) and “ego exo” (I have), numbers, days of the week, months of the year, time, and a variety of vocabulary related to themes such as “in the classroom”, “at the post office”, and “at the farmer’s market”. By the end of the year, students should be able to navigate their basic needs while traveling in Greece.

    Adults - Intermediate and Advanced

    Sunnyvale and SF Campus

    The Intermediate and Advanced levels focus on vocabulary expansion with the ultimate goal of students being able to carry on a 15-20 minute conversation in Greek. The programs cover more complex verb conjugations and tenses, including the present perfect, subjunctive, past perfect, simple past, simple future, simple continuous, past continuous, etc. Students will have a command of personal and possessive pronouns and be able to conjugate common nouns and adjectives.